What Is IPL (Photorejuvenation/ Photofacial)?
Photorejuvenation is a procedure that utilizes an intense pulsed light (IPL) laser to reverse signs of aging by altering your skin at the cellular level. It is also considered a non-invasive rejuvenating treatment that improves skin discoloration, hyperpigmentation, acne, and vascular lesions including rosacea.
How Does IPL (Photorejuvenation/Photofacial) Work?
IPL releases multiple different wavelengths that scatter and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin without harming the epidermis. This targets the melanin and hemoglobin itself and the heat breaks down the cells into smaller particles.
Who Is a Candidate For Laser Skin Treatment?
Anyone with sun-damaged skin or anyone wanting to improve skin tone or the appearance of their wrinkles is an ideal candidate for this procedure.
Why Choose Laser Skin Treatment?
If you are impacted by excessive wrinkles, sagging skin, or any other dark mark, this treatment can eliminate your problems and boost your confidence.
Before & After

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